I am a small business owner that sells small business marketing products for companies that have a sales goal of $5 million and up.
Some have called me a marketing guru and have referred to me as their advisor. But first, let me tell you about myself.
I started my company, Ninja Marketing, in 2001 as a way to help companies bring more leads and more sales.
It started as a storefront on eBay and grew and grew over the last 14 years.
I have worked with thousands of small businesses across North America, helping them grow their businesses.
I have been asked by thousands of small business owners to review their business marketing materials so I can make sure they are making the best decisions and getting the best results.
For a while, I had thought that it was important to help small businesses because of my experience.
I didn’t realize at the time that I was unconsciously using my large marketing experience to help small businesses.
It’s because of my small business experience that I am so passionate about helping small businesses sell more.
So how can I say I am a marketing guru?
The funny thing is that I don’t claim that title. It sounds so arrogant and arrogant is a bad thing, right?
I don’t really feel that way but I’ve been told that so many times by small business owners.
They seem to get intimidated by the word “guru.” I’m actually not that concerned about it because I know that people will associate me with marketing and it’s what I want to be known for.
Here’s how you can tell I’m not an expert, just like you won’t know if someone is a marketing guru: I have a 3-year-old child and I can’t give my opinion on most issues.
For example, I can’t give a marketing opinion on anything related to Formula 1 racing. That’s not my thing.
I don’t know what I’m talking about and I’m not going to pretend that I do.
To me, a marketing guru has an expert’s background on what they do
I don’t have that. I am not an expert but I’m willing to be that way because I know that my marketing experience helps me understand small business marketing better than anyone else.
If I can put my personal experience to work to help small businesses sell more, then that is good marketing advice and I’m all about it.
That is what marketing means to me.
I want to help small business owners sell more but I have to first know what I am talking about.
I’m not talking about first-rate SEO, although I do put my money where my mouth is.
I take on all my SEO clients and my time is often spent on small business SEO. I truly believe that I can deliver great results for small businesses.
Also, I can help them with their website, and that I do. But when it comes to business marketing, my background is in small business marketing and helping small businesses sell more.
Here are my suggestions:
Understand who your customer is
Who is your customer? Are they product managers or are they business owners?
In my experience, business owners don’t know what marketing and sales mean.
The big thing for small business owners is to get rid of all their preconceived notions of what marketing and sales mean.
It may seem overwhelming and you may think your time would be better spent on a competitor’s business.
But the truth is that competition is a distraction. The real business to compete with is the business you are already in.
Use this as an opportunity to prove to your customers that they are wrong.
Learn what your competition is doing
I love learning about what my competitors are doing. I like to compare what I’m doing to what my competitors are doing.
You may see that your competitor is doing an email marketing campaign. You need to create a similar campaign because it will help you learn more about your business.
But more importantly, it’s an opportunity to grow your marketing skills and knowledge and develop a roadmap that will help you achieve your marketing and sales goals.
Research, research, research
Any marketing campaign must be a combination of research and experimentation.
With the launch of this post, my research is that I’m doing a podcast that helps businesses sell more and I’m building a network that provides more tips and resources on how to succeed at selling more.
I also plan to analyze what has worked for my competitors and use that information in my marketing campaign.
Don’t try to be someone else
Marketing is about being authentic.
Whether you are a business owner or a marketing guru, you don’t have to be another expert to be effective. Don’t try to be someone else.
For example, I love the United States Air Force.
My dad was an Air Force captain and it is a great organization with a great history.
However, my marketing campaigns are not about the Air Force.
They are about being a great small business owner with advice and content to help small businesses sell more.
Learn from others and build your own brand.