“I Want to Quit My Job But I Need Money” – Next Steps


For as much as we all want to enjoy our work, even very good jobs can be sullied by relatively minor factors that build up over time.

It could be that you’ve come to hate your commute for being lengthy and inconvenient. Or maybe you simply don’t fit in all that well with your co-workers.

Before you know it, you may be saying to yourself, “I want to quit my job, but I need money.”

It’s a very natural reaction. The difficult part of dealing with this impulse is maintaining the patience needed to make reasonable decisions about what you plan to do next.

And even if you do find after some soul-searching that you need to leave your current job, we highly recommend against quitting your job without a solid plan in place for an alternate form of employment.

In this article, we will explain how to assess your current situation to find the core of your dissatisfaction and what to do if you simply can’t continue to work in your current role.

What’s the Real Reason?

Before we start looking for ways out of your current job, we should take a few moments to examine the core problems that you’re experiencing.

Even if certain elements of your work or the workplace may seem incredibly significant in the moment, they can sometimes prove to be passing problems that you’ll forget about in a matter of weeks or even days.

But of course there are also many recurring problems that can cause distractions and grief for the duration of your employment.

Let’s take a look at just a few potential reasons for feeling unhappy with your work.

Disagreements with Co-Workers

Despite the fact that disagreements with co-workers often have little to do with the work you’re there to do, they can certainly make the office a very unpleasant place to be.

In most cases, you’ll have to continue to work with your colleagues for the foreseeable future.

quitting your job

This is why it’s best to try to resolve disagreements or arguments with co-workers, as difficult as that may seem.

If you’re having an especially difficult time resolving workplace conflicts on your own, then it would be advisable to bring the situation to the attention of your office’s human resources representative.

The Work

It could be that your main problem with your job is simply the work itself that you’ve been tasked with.

Maybe you find yourself dissatisfied with your current role within the company.

If being promoted would offer the possibility of performing different tasks for the company, then you should try to focus your efforts on being recognized for doing impressive work.

If you’ve been trying to receive a promotion for years, then it may be time to seek employment elsewhere.

It could also be that your job has little or nothing to do with your education and training. If this is the case, do not leave your current job right away.

Instead, spend your free time searching for job openings in your area of expertise.

Moral Objections

Every company talks a big game when it comes to operating within the law and staying true to established principles and values.

But as many of us know, there are many times when a company as a whole or specific employees within a company engage in activities that simply aren’t acceptable.

i want to quit my job but i need money

Certain colleagues may opt to simply ignore these activities and go about their business, so as to not risk losing their job.

But for others, this may prove to be very difficult.

If you’ve found that you have serious issues with how the company is operating, then you should bring your concerns to an HR rep as soon as possible.

If you find that your HR rep isn’t especially helpful or concerned with resolving the situation, then you may want to start looking for alternative employment.

Next Steps

If the core problem you have with your job isn’t likely to be resolved anytime soon and you find yourself suffering the negative consequences of working a job you hate, then it’s important to prepare for the future.

Once again, we highly recommend that you do not quit your current job without substantial savings or a contingency plan for how to find a new job.

Below you’ll find some important steps to follow when you’ve decided that you’d like to leave your job in the near future.

i want to quit my job but i need money

Keeping Calm

Above all else, you should try to find ways to keep yourself calm.

If you’ve been having a hard time even walking into your office, then you should give yourself plenty of opportunities for taking deep breaths and thinking about things other than work.

This is also the stage in the process where you should reach out to friends and family and explain your situation.

Simply mention that you’re unhappy with your current job and that you’ve started to look for alternate means of employment.

Friends and family can be a great resource when it comes to hearing about new job opportunities, and these conversations may speed your search for a new job.

Saving Up

It’s also crucial to make sure that you are financially secure before leaving your current job.

As a general rule of thumb, you should save up at least six months’ worth of funds, plenty to cover your rent, medical costs, bills, and incidental expenses that may arise.

i want to quit my job but i need money

Quitting a job before accumulating substantial savings can be disastrous for your future. You may end up losing your car, your lease, and even lack the proper funds to feed yourself.

A Graceful Exit

If you’ve decided on leaving your current company, then you should plan ahead for a graceful exit.

This not only means looking for another job before you leave. It also means being kind and courteous to everyone you work with, even if one of your co-workers is your reason for leaving the company.

It’s incredibly important to not burn any bridges without just cause. There’s no knowing what the future holds, and you may one day end up back at this company.