Five-step RFP review model

Understanding the project, the needs, and the context in which the project is being delivered are necessary for evaluating a new project opportunity. A literature study and risk assessment of: should be started by the project manager alongside the bid process.

  1. The project’s current status,
  2. Goals and evaluation metrics,
  3. Data collection risks, and
  4. Project management risks – to
  5. Evaluate Overall Project Viability

The 5 Step RFP Review Process Model

A Ministry of Health RFP was assessed using the following five-step technique for reviewing RFP processes. The following provides detailed information regarding the MOH project:


Step 1: Evaluate Project Progress to Date

One example of how project changes might be mapped is shown in the spreadsheet that follows. For the MOH project, each item in column one indicates a deliverable and a goal. Level 1 deliverables are listed in column one, while level 2 deliverables are listed in column two (that represent a high level work breakdown structure). The project status was updated to reflect whether the deliverable was in progress and at what level based on the literature evaluation.

The five project management process groups, which stand for the project’s development life cycle, were utilized to keep things simple. It takes some guessing to map each deliverable over the life cycle since these groupings overlap and are not distinct. The sixth phase is carried out immediately after gaining bid clearance and is mapped against the project schedule(s) to show actual progress on each deliverable.

Step 2: Identify Metrics & Goals for Evaluating Project Performance

The level 1 and level 2 measurements (and effect targets) mentioned in the literature were mapped out using the template below. It is essential to comprehend these objectives in order to evaluate the project’s needs, work breakdown structure, budget, and scope.


Step 3: Identify Data Collection Risks

The information in the MOH report regarding data collecting was gathered and reported using the spreadsheet below. There was a ton of information accessible since the MOH project included developing a framework (and standards) for data collecting. The project manager may get a sense of how capable, engaged, and committed the project environment is to achieving and assessing the project objectives by reviewing bids.


Step 4: Identify Project Management Risks

The MOH study identified many project management risks, which were documented and reported using the form below. The project management office, the committees of IMIT, and representatives of the Health Authority were tasked with addressing the first five hazards, which constituted important system-wide issues.



Step 5: Evaluate Overall Project Viability

The project manager may assess the feasibility of the Ministry of Health’s RFP using the information provided. In this instance, the RFP called for a 3-year contract with three potential 1-year renewals. Although the wording in the RFP needed to be completed, other references suggested a full-time commitment was often (but not always) needed. However, the number of hours per week needed to be validated.

Since this was an extension of an earlier contract, the project manager wanted to assess how things had gone thus far. The MOH document that was accessible reported on some progress with some hints that the project was running behind schedule, presumably because of the dangers and obstacles mentioned. If the offer is accepted, more investigation would be required due to the MOH contract’s scope.

Final Thoughts

It’s also important to determine any additional queries and worries that are pertinent to the sector of each project. This covers things like team size, reporting structures, authority spheres, and work site location. The specified work location for the MOH RFP was in Victoria. The requirement that the applicant have five or more years of Canadian work experience was further defined. These specifics played a crucial role in the current incumbent’s contract renewal.

Thanks to Alan Draper at Business 2 Community whose reporting provided the original basis for this story