Every project in Scrum is divided into time chunks called Sprints. Sprints may last anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. The whole team, including the Scrum Master, Scrum Product Manager, and Scrum Team, attends a Sprint planning meeting on a regular basis.
They meet to deliberate on the current Sprint’s scope as well as which backlog items will be addressed in the following Sprint. The Sprint planning Scrum event is a collaborative procedure that enables team members to choose when work is completed.
Two essential strategic things will emerge from a good Sprint planning session:
- The Sprint objective is to: A quick written explanation of the team’s goals for the upcoming Sprint is included.
- The Sprint backlog is as follows: In the coming Sprint, the team has agreed to focus on the list of stories and other product backlog items.
Scrum Sprints are divided into five stages
Sprints are the lifeblood of Scrum, since they are where value is created from ideas. Scrum procedures focus on a Scrum project’s unique tasks and flow.
The Scrum Sprint planning process is divided into five stages:
1. Initiate/Pre-planning — This phase covers the steps that lead up to the start of a project. It include agreeing on and establishing the project’s scope and goals, as well as producing and disseminating its charter and taking additional actions to ensure its success. Creating a project vision, selecting a Scrum Master and stakeholder(s), building a Scrum team, defining epic(s), and creating a prioritized product backlog are just a few of the steps.
2. Plan and Estimate – Establishing user stories, authorizing, assessing, and committing user stories, building tasks, evaluating tasks, and creating a Sprint backlog are all part of this step.
3. Execute – This phase entails carrying out the tasks and activities necessary to develop a product. Building numerous outputs, holding daily standup meetings, and managing the product backlog are examples of these tasks.
4. Review and Retrospect/Test — This stage of the project lifecycle is focused with assessing what has been completed so far, if the team has followed the plan, and how it might improve in the future.
5. Release — This stage focuses on providing the customer’s agreed deliverables as well as identifying, recording, and absorbing the project’s lessons learned.
There are many stages to a project. Preliminary Phase, Planning Phase, Design Phase, Implementation Phase, Testing Phase, Deployment Phase, and Support Phase are all examples of these phases.
What exactly are the four Scrum events?
Scrum teams iterate and develop their projects, ensuring that a potentially useful version of a functional product is always accessible. Each stage of the development cycle results in a potentially useful package that can be evaluated and improved upon in subsequent versions until the intended end state is achieved.
Scrum is made up of four formal events or phases:
- Daily Scrum
- Sprint planning
- Sprint retrospective
- Sprint review
The Sprint, which is Scrum’s main activity, lasts between one and four weeks.
1. Meeting to plan the sprint
This meeting kicks off the Sprint by limiting the activities and tasks. The Sprint backlogs are created by the development teams.
Following that, the Product Owner and the Development Team establish the team’s responsibilities for the next Sprint. Team members take on different responsibilities depending on importance and who they believe can best serve them with the most efficiency.
Other persons may be invited to Sprint Planning by the Scrum Team to give advice.
2. Scrum or standup meetings on a daily basis
It’s a daily event that lasts around 15 minutes and shows how far you’ve come toward your Sprint objective. Each team member updates the status of their work and discusses any possible issues.
This daily meeting attempts to ensure that everyone in the team is on the same page and that their actions are coordinated.
Daily Scrums boost communication, highlight roadblocks or obstacles, encourage speedy decision-making, and hence reduce the need for subsequent meetings.
3. Review of the sprint
At the conclusion of each Sprint, there is a Sprint Review. Its purpose is to go at the Sprint’s results and talk about the objectives that were met.
This meeting also provides an opportunity for stakeholders to share comments and recommendations on the product.
The Sprint Review is the Sprint’s second-to-last event. For a one-month Sprint, it is timed to a maximum of four hours. The event is typically quicker with shorter Sprints.
4. Retrospective on the sprint
Scrum teams use the Retrospective Meeting, often known as the RnR, to evaluate their accomplishments at the conclusion of a Sprint. It promotes open discussion of triumphs and shortcomings, as well as identifying methods to improve operations in future Sprints. Sprint Retrospective is used to brainstorm methods to improve both quality and efficiency.
The Sprint comes to a close with the Sprint Retrospective. For a one-month Sprint, it is timed to a maximum of three hours.
Thanks to Mitul Makadia at Business 2 Community whose reporting provided the original basis for this story.