Why Is Confidence Important In Public Speaking

If you are a budding speaker, you have probably heard at least one of these well-meaning but misguided statements before:

Don’t be nervous.

Say your topic in a way that will get people to listen.

The tone of voice isn’t the most important thing.

When you start speaking, most people will say something along the lines of: “Haha. Wow. Wonderful. That was awesome.”

And you’ll feel awesome and relieved because your audience obviously likes you.

Then, as soon as you sit down, the nerves will hit you like you’re going to throw up. It’s a relief, but it’s also a bummer because the audience didn’t care.

Well, that’s simply not true. And I can tell you this, because I’m a professional speaker, and I know from experience that people do care how you sound.

It’s an essential part of public speaking.

Most people in the world need to buy a magazine or watch a television show before they will pay attention to you.

In the world of business, a phone call is the most effective way to deliver important messages

In a classroom setting, it’s the professor talking.

In a meeting, it’s the leader who is speaking.

But when we go on stage and we have to speak to a group of people, the feeling of stage fright is real.

We don’t know what to say. We don’t know how to say it. We don’t know how to present ourselves.

And we don’t know how our audience will respond.

That’s where confidence comes in.

Confidence is what keeps you going. It makes you believe that you can get through this.

It helps you believe that you are a good speaker and that you can deliver what you need to in the best way possible.

It keeps you alive.

That’s why confidence is so important in public speaking.

Okay, here are three reasons why confidence is so important.

1. Confidence allows you to speak from your soul

The problem is that most people don’t think about what they’re saying when they speak. They just throw their words out there.

Most speakers go through their entire speech without thinking about how it will sound or how it will be received.

The problem is that if you’re talking from your soul, you’re going to sound genuine.

You’re not going to care if people are laughing or clapping or responding positively or negatively.

You’re not going to care about what they think about you or what they say.

But if you’re just tossing words out there, you’re going to sound rehearsed and robotic.

If you’re speaking from your soul, you’ll just say what’s in your heart and your head. And you’ll make the audience feel your emotions.

You’ll make them want to listen to you more. You’ll make them want to hear more.

And you’ll make them want to engage with you on a deeper level.

If you’re speaking from your soul, you’ll find the right words to convey the message that’s in your head and your heart.

2. Confidence improves your communication skills

It’s a shame that in our world of business, people don’t spend more time learning how to communicate.

We’re all born with the ability to communicate effectively, but the vast majority of us don’t use our language skills every single day.

And speaking to a group of people can actually be a challenge.

So much of public speaking is remembering how to make yourself understood and connecting with your audience.

But if you can do those two things well, the rest will fall into place.

What’s interesting is that when we learn to speak from our souls, we start to see the world differently.

We’re able to see others as more than just their roles in our lives.

We’re able to see them for who they really are instead of the roles they play in our lives.

We’re able to connect with our audience and make them feel understood.

And we’re able to connect with our audience on a much deeper level.

So if you want to improve your communication skills and really connect with your audience, you have to work to improve your confidence.

3. Confidence will make you a better speaker

Confidence is important in public speaking because it’s the first thing that a listener focuses on when they hear your speech.

So if you don’t have confidence, you’re not going to have any other skills.

And your lack of confidence means that you won’t be taking the stage confidently.

You’ll go out there and read the script and you’ll do your part, but the moment that the audience doesn’t recognize you as the same person, you’ll be lost.

If you’re going to succeed as a public speaker, you need to do three things:

1. Develop a mindset of confidence

It’s just like anything else. You can’t just jump into anything without having the mindset of confidence.

So you must work on developing a mindset of confidence. You need to focus on what you can do to improve, rather than what you can’t do.

You need to take in the positive aspects of what you do and you need to take out the negative aspects of what you do.

And you need to learn to be confident in the way that you show up in life, which means developing the mindset of confidence in every aspect of your life.

2. Spend time focusing on what you can control

You need to make sure you take control of the things that you can control. So think about what you can do to improve yourself.

Think about what you can do to make it easier to be heard. Think about what you can do to make it easier to get along with others.

Think about how you can make yourself the best version of yourself.

And then, think about what you can’t do. Think about what you can’t control.

What can you control? You can control your focus. You can control your confidence.

What can you control? You can’t control other people.

3. Make sure you get the preparation right

Now, you’re not going to be prepared if you go out there without any preparation. It’s just not going to happen.

So what you want to make sure you’re working on right now is your preparation.

You want to make sure you’re working on the homework assignments that you have.

So if you’re thinking about a presentation, think about everything that you know about the topic.

Then think about everything that you don’t know about the topic.

And then, write down some of your favorite talks and any that you’ve been inspired by.

Now, take some time to really think about these.

When you’re speaking, think about the best parts of these talks. And try to weave them into your own.

And then, work on the homework assignments that you have. This could mean that you need to research