Why Am I Depressed After Spending Time With Friends?

Ever felt depressed and unhappy after spending time with your friends?

You’ve just spent an awesome day partying at a nightclub with your best friends, you’ve had a few drinks and maybe even got some headspace on what the world looks like for women, and maybe you even have a sweet RAR-RAR while dancing.

Sounds pretty good right?

Yet, after the night is done, you wake up feeling sad, depressed, and generally just like an absolute idiot.

Why would that happen?

Let’s talk about what makes you feel depressed after having a good time with your friends, and why this should be avoided.

Being happy with your friends brings you some great joy, and that in itself is good.

However, when you have to celebrate that joy with yourself, it can easily lead to unnecessary feelings of sadness and depression.

Think about it. Have you ever had a random day where you wake up and feel like crying because you are just down on yourself?

Have you ever spent the day feeling miserable?

What’s that all about?

The truth is, humans are creatures of habit.

Our brain can be programmed to do certain things, and since most of us tend to have a routine life, these routines tend to follow us.

If you go through your day doing the same thing day in and day out, you will automatically know how to deal with those situations which arise in your day.

However, that is not how life works, and that is not how humans function.

Life is always changing and evolving and this is how you need to be mentally prepared for it.

On the flip side, if you tend to go through your days not knowing what’s around the corner, you are not mentally prepared for that either.

This means that you will be prone to feeling fearful, sad, and depressed at times, simply because you do not have a plan for those feelings.

It is recommended that you have a game plan ready and maybe even have a ‘Plan B’ in case ‘Plan A’ does not work out for you.

With this in mind, you need to accept that your friends have a life that is much different than yours, and this is where you can help them.

If you are feeling sad, maybe you can suggest to your friends that you do something different for a change

Maybe go out to a new restaurant. Maybe have a different drink.

Just to shake things up a little, and get a glimpse of the world through their eyes.

If you don’t feel like going, that’s okay too. Go out for dinner, just the two of you.

Have a nice stroll down the beach, get some fresh air. You know what?

Go to the pub and have a few pints. You might like that.

Being away from the routine will allow you to have some fun and enjoy yourself.

Another great way of feeling happier after spending time with your friends is to focus on yourself and do something nice for yourself.

You’re off on a lovely holiday, spending some time with your friends at the airport while you are waiting for your flight, getting ready to go out, having a great night out, perhaps with some good music and dancing.

What’s that all about?

Being away from the routine will allow you to have some fun and enjoy yourself.

Make sure you bring your favorite fragrance and/or make-up products with you.

A night out might be the last time you’ll be out for a while, and it is the perfect opportunity to make sure you have all the tools you need to feel happy.

Basically, doing something nice for yourself will bring you a sense of belonging, a sense of calm and peace.

Try to be aware of the things that keep you down after having a good time with your friends.

Are they tied to your routine? Have you become complacent in your life, and become resigned to the fact that life has been ‘one way for you?

Your best friend might be having a hard time at the moment, perhaps they have lost their job, or they have just moved into a new city.

Ask yourself why you are feeling sad. Once you have realized this, you might be able to move forward.

You might ask yourself ‘Am I sad because of the loss of this person?’ or ‘Am I sad because of my routine life, my routine way of living?’

Is it possible to take a step back from life’s routine and just have fun?

You might ask yourself “Am I sad because of the loss of this person?” or “Am I sad because of my routine life, my routine way of living?”

We tend to make the world a very boring place, with such a dull outlook on it, and that is a problem.

Nobody wants to be down or sad, you need to make changes to your way of thinking and your approach to life.

Try to be aware of the things that keep you down after having a good time with your friends. It is not always your friend who is making you sad and miserable.

It could be some aspect of your life that you are not aware of, that could be the cause of your sadness.

If you can make small changes in your life that involve making more time for yourself, then you will start to see the changes in your mood.

Not to mention, what better way to spend the long, cold winter months, than being with your friends, having a few laughs, laughing off the stresses and worries of the day.