Belonging Even When You’re a Long Way Away

Employees benefit from a remote work environment because it allows them to maintain a better work-life balance, avoid unpleasant commutes, and, in certain situations, work when they’re most productive. Unfortunately, there is one big drawback to the remote work culture: working from home is isolated, according to a Slack poll of 4,700 remote employees in six countries.

This was particularly true during the epidemic, when many businesses attempted to replicate their in-person cultures in virtual settings. More firms will find this practice deficient as the corporate sector evolves towards the new normal.

As a human resources executive, you must consider how to integrate remote staff strategically. Success in the new distant and hybrid reality will need a whole new strategy that prioritizes inclusion and purpose.

Why is it crucial to have a sense of belonging at work?

Abraham Maslow, an American psychologist, stated in 1943 that individuals are motivated by five basic wants. He stacked them in a pyramid, starting at the bottom with the most basic survival requirements. He ranked belonging third, slightly ahead of the need for protection from violence and theft.

Belonging has become one of the most important levels in Maslow’s pyramid, thanks to a contemporary culture that guarantees most of the criteria on the first two tiers are satisfied. It can be transformative for both individuals and companies when employees feel like they belong.

Inclusive settings, according to Diana Ellsworth, a partner at McKinsey & Company, need a long-term commitment. “Effective people management necessitates inclusive behavior,” Ellsworth explains, “not least because inclusion leads to better outcomes and can support foundational business goals.” You can promote employee engagement, generate better productivity, and contribute to higher retention by providing an inclusive atmosphere.

How do you make remote workers feel like they’re part of the team?

You must first cultivate inclusion in order to gain the advantages of a feeling of belonging in the workplace. Here are some ways to guarantee that your organization has a remote work culture that attracts new employees:

  1. Develop a new HR strategy focusing on employee well-being and purpose

You must identify and prioritize remote work abilities that best complement your company goal in order to run a successful virtual office. Virtual change management, remote productivity, emotional intelligence, and employee inclusion are just a few examples of abilities that may help your company enhance its performance.

The second stage is to create a personnel management plan that emphasizes ongoing education. You may improve leadership development and, as a result, workforce competency in the necessary skills by encouraging this growth mentality in your business.

One potential way to provide training is via employee resource groups. In your company, these units may already exist. But even if they don’t, they’re a terrific way to foster a feeling of community among workers.

You can assist workers overcome some of the problems of remote working, perform better in their tasks, and enhance their overall happiness by providing support and training in skills particular to a remote work environment.

  1. Provide leaders with the tools they need to lead virtual teams and improve remote people management skills

It’s all your leaders can do to keep their heads above water when they’re unprepared to handle a scenario. In a tumultuous, complicated workplace, however, fight-or-flight mode will not assure success.

You’ll need to give leaders with the tools and abilities they need to overcome the hurdles of remote working and lead in today’s flexible workplace if you want them to be more strategic.

Implement practices that boost efficiency, encourage cooperation, and foster a feeling of community. As an HR leader, you may encourage departments and teams to collaborate and collaborate with one another.

You may also host virtual events such as game nights, coffee chats, or team development meetings to promote inclusion and help people get to know one another, even if they’re thousands of miles away.

Remote and mixed work styles look to be here to stay. If your firm is one of the many that provides workers with a flexible work environment, your ability to address the issues of remote working will determine your future success.

You’ll have a happier and more engaged staff if you create inclusiveness and a feeling of employee belonging.

Early in the recruiting process, it is possible to foster a feeling of belonging and connection. Download the BCRA case study to discover more about how Harrison Assessments determines appropriateness.

Thanks to Dr. Dan Harrison at Business 2 Community whose reporting provided the original basis for this story.